Melville Bus Accident Lawyer

With more than 5700 public buses, New York has one of the largest fleets of these vehicles on the globe. Millions of people, particularly commuters, use buses as their main means of transport since they are reliable, cheaper, run at convenient times, and are eco-friendly compared to private cars. Despite being an efficient system of transportation, buses are not without flaws. Bus accidents are extremely common in New York, with some being fatal.

If you have used this popular system and have been a victim of an injury, contact our capable team of Melville bus accident lawyers. Compensation for an accident is not something you should compromise on. Your wellbeing both, physically and financially, depends on it. At Cellino law, we can ensure that what is rightfully yours is given. Not only will we walk with you to help in navigation with the compensation process, but we will also ensure that you are represented exemplarily for maximum compensation.

Being involved in a bus accident, or any accident for that matter can be a catastrophic event in a person’s life. It can be financially crippling, incapacitate you physically, and in the worst-case scenario, you could lose a loved one. You might be going through the grieving process with no idea how and where to start. If you find yourself in this situation our Melville personal injury lawyers are here to help you.

Bus Accident Statistics in New York

There are innumerable types and makes of buses that drive all over roads in New York. From private buses, tour buses, public NYC buses, and school buses, the Metropolitan Transport Authority ( MTA) has truly got New Yorkers covered in this sector. The MTA has a responsibility to guarantee the safety of all passengers using their buses. This is however not an easy task, and there have been countless cases of injurious and fatal accidents.

School Buses

With more than 25million students and children in the metropolitan, school buses are quite popular, ranging in the 400,000s. Measures have been put in place to protect the children, being a vulnerable part of the population. Drivers, for example, are required to comply with speed limits, and directives like easily notable colors have been used to make the buses conspicuous. Despite all this, however, it is with great grief that we report that school bus accidents are more common than any other type of bus.

In 2018, for example, there were 117 school bus accidents recorded. Of these, 70% of injuries sustained were from passengers in a different vehicle other than the school bus. 17% were pedestrians, 5% were passengers on the school bus, 4% were school bus drivers, and 2% were cyclists. It goes to show that accidents not only hurt the passengers of a bus but more often than not hurt outsiders.

Public Transportation Buses

They include inter-city, suburban, tour, and city buses, all of which are under the care of the MTA. A recent post by the New York Post revealed that injurious accidents in 2018, minus those caused by collisions had injured 442 passengers, which rose to 494 in 2019. Of these, 207 of them were injured in simple throw movements, a number that rose by 5.5% in 2019.

It, therefore, warranted the question, why were accidents rising? The MTA then reported that accidents were on the rise due to an increase in traffic, which posed a challenge for many drivers. With hundreds of cyclists, thousands of pedestrians, and hundreds of other vehicles using the roads, a driver is bound to be caught trying to swerve to avoid head-on collisions. Other drivers worked under pressure, and the long hours gave immense fatigue, a situation that made it impossible to pay proper attention to the road.

Tour Buses

Being a major tourism hub, New York tour businesses are extremely important, fetching a revenue of around $100 billion every year. Tour companies have to ensure that the best drivers are hired to guarantee the safety of the passengers, especially for the double-decker buses. Accidents, though not as common as the two previous types of buses are common, especially on double-deckers whereby tourists prefer sitting on the top, and end up being ejected which injures them severely.

Bus accidents are mainly of three types: slip and fall accidents from exiting and boarding of vehicles, non- collision accidents and collision accidents. Comparing 2019 and 2018, the first category of accidents reduced by 3 accidents, while collision accidents increased by 1.2%. Apart from increasing in number in 2019, the number of injuries also increased by 1.2%.

A Melville bus accident lawyer filing an injury claim for a client.

While these statistics may seem like a lot to process and bring grotesque sights to mind, they are imperative to prepare you for what is to come. If there’s anything certain about life, it is its uncertainty. That said, you might be a victim of an accident if you haven’t already been. With such knowledge, you can keep yourself safe, as well as familiarize yourself with the nature of bus accidents in your area of residence.

What Should I do After a Bus Accident?

The loss of life, injury, disability, and poor psychological well being are just some examples of the tragedy that befalls a person after an accident. Despite your pain, you are not always guaranteed compensation, which makes it critical to familiarize yourself with the steps to take after an accident to be liable for compensation. These steps are extremely vital in gaining what you deserve.

There is nothing as painful as sustaining injuries, which could even incapacitate you, then contacting a lawyer and realizing that you have no case simply because you did not follow the right steps. To avoid such frustrations, that will elevate the pain of a bus accident, ensure that you follow them to the latter:

Contact the Police

This goes without saying. Immediately you have been involved in a car accident be it injurious or not, dial 911 and discuss with the investigators. This way, they will visit the scene, record all the details based on their findings, and prepare a report. This report is extremely vital to your case since it helps protect your case. Even if the rest of the parties have not dialed 911, don’t be shy, and do not admit to any faults!

Check On The Other Involved Parties

While you might be scared and probably even be responsible for the accident, you should never leave the scene of the accident. Leaving can incriminate you, especially if you were at fault. It may even be seen as an admission of guilt. You should, therefore, make sure that you check on all parties to make sure that they are fine. If not, seek medical care immediately, and even if none seems to have sustained injuries, a medical assessment will help reassure that everything is fine.

Exchange Information

The majority of court cases involve witnesses, and in case yours goes this way, you will need them by your side. Get the details of all witnesses by collecting all the essential information. This includes email addresses, names, and phone numbers. Their testimonies could be the difference between worthy compensation and denial of the same. You should also take the bus driver’s name and details, as well as their insurance details. Additionally, note down all license plates of involved vehicles.

Record The Scene

If you are in a position to record the scene, do so. Photographs and videos that show the positions of the vehicles, property that has been damaged, injuries, and any other relevant information should be taken. These will help your lawyer establish liability in your case.

Never Admit Fault

No matter how chivalrous and honest you are, do not make the mistake of admitting to fault. It will do more harm than good to your case since the insurance companies and investigators will use this against you. They will want to know who was at fault, and through an admission of guilt, they will evade paying compensation. This will even be worse if after investigations are made, it is established that you were actually not responsible for the accident, adding more complications.

Seek Medical Attention

Whether or not you have sustained any injuries, see a medical professional. Not only will they guarantee that everything is fine, thereby safeguarding your physical health, but will also help to build your case. A certified physician will determine the full extent of the injury, thereby contributing a lot to your case.

Contact a Lawyer

While you may decide to file a claim without help from a lawyer, this is not advisable. First, you are not in the right state of mind to argue sober-mindedly. Second and most important, you do not have the skills needed to handle the technicalities of such complicated matters. More often than not, the responsible party or insurance company will attempt to deny liability, which adds more technicalities to the mix.

This is where Cellino Accident Lawyers come in. With years of experience, and skills, we guarantee rigorous efforts to ensure that you gain maximum compensation. Whether you were involved in a bus accident as a motorist, cyclist, pedestrian, or passenger, we can get you what you deserve.

Injuries Caused by Bus Accidents

Due to the size, weight, and occupancy of buses, their accidents are injurious most of the time and could be fatal. As such, they warrant immediate medical care and could be life-threatening. Some common injuries include:

An accident between a bus and an SUV in Melville.

Some of these injuries could need treatments that cost thousands of dollars, and drain you psychologically. Worst of all, you may be a sole breadwinner, only to have the future of your children snatched away from you in a glimpse. You deserve fair compensation for your financial, physical, and emotional troubles. Even in the event of the death of a loved one, close family members like spouses and children can seek compensation, and though no amount of money could ever replace the loss of life, it will make the journey easier.

Damages You Can Receive Through a Bus Accident Claim

Bus accidents affect victims physically, mentally, and financially. They can change the life of a person immensely, and deter them from living the life they did before. That said, compensation amounts vary based on the extent of damages. Some of these include compensation for:

  • Pain and suffering.
  • Loss of consortium.
  • Lost wages.
  • Future earning potential.
  • Past and future medical bills such as the hospital bill, doctor’s bills, and diagnostic testing bills.
  • Physical therapy and rehabilitation costs.
  • Punitive damages.
  • Loss of life’s enjoyment and pleasures.
  • Any other out-of-pocket expenses incurred as a result of the accident.

Who Can be Held Liable for a Bus Accident in New York?

There are different parties involved in bus accidents, from employers, bus drivers, bus manufacturers, insurance companies, and so on. There is, therefore, no straightforward answer on who is held liable for compensation. Some parties include:

Bus Drivers

If they are found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol or any other drug, or deliberately violate traffic rules, or are just not qualified to drive a bus, they are held accountable. Any negligence from a driver if detected holds him liable.

Employers/Bus Companies

All buses, as per the law should be roadworthy and well maintained for use on the road. Additionally, they should employ highly trained and skilled drivers who have proven their skills in the profession. If they are found to have failed to comply with all the government regulations involving their buses or employing substandard drivers, they are held liable for their negligence.

Bus Manufacturers

All manufactured buses should be safe. If the manufacturer sold a defective bus, a lawsuit can be filed against them because the defect caused the accident.

Other Negligent Parties

Manufacturers, employers, and bus drivers are not always responsible for bus accidents. Other drivers, pedestrians, and cyclists could also be responsible. With this in mind, any party that shares fault for the accident should contribute to compensation as per the comparative negligence law of Melville, New York.

How Much Does a Melville Bus Accident Lawyer Cost?

Most people shy away from lawyers because they think that they cannot afford them. Well, the good news is that this is hearsay. A lawyer is only entitled to payment after a victim wins a compensation case. This is known as the lawyer working on a contingency basis. The lawyer works for you, and on winning the case, a certain percentage of the compensation amount is paid to him/her for their services. There are also no hidden or upfront fees at Cellino Law so pick your phone and schedule a free evaluation now!

How is Fault Determined in New York Bus Accidents?

Your bus accident attorney will investigate the case to establish who is at fault. All parties are investigated, and the truth of the matter is that anyone can be proven responsible, meaning it is not a “one size fits all” scenario. That said, with evidence, the lawyer proceeds to establish his case for your rightful compensation.

How Long do I Have to File a Claim for a Bus Accident in New York?

Depending on whether the bus involved is owned privately, by a city-run company, or run by the New York Transit Authority, the time to file a Lawsuit varies. Privately owned buses allow more time, but if the bus is run by the city, the claim should be done as fast as possible, within 90 days.

An attorney reviewing a settlement for a bus accident with a client.

Why do I Need a Lawyer for a Bus Accident Claim?

Navigating injury claims is a complicated process. If you have been hurt in a bus accident our lawyers can help with:

Case Preparation/Filing a Lawsuit

Your case will be handled by a person who understands the process, the technicalities, and legal jargon pertaining to your case. This way, you are guaranteed exemplary skills and representation. A bus accident lawyer also makes sure that they conduct a thorough investigation into your case to determine who was at fault. Following this, a lawyer will file claims and lawsuits.

Settlement Negotiation

Based on all your medical, psychological, and financial damages, your lawyer will establish a worthwhile compensation amount for you. They will also negotiate a settlement with the insurance company and other involved parties. At Cellino law, we will negotiate a great deal and fight for you vigorously for the settlement you deserve. We understand that an accident not only changes your current life but your future too.

Trial Preparation and Representation

When involved parties fail to comply, the case proceeds to court. Here, you will need all the help you can get from a qualified bus accident lawyer because most likely your opponent will also bring one. We will prepare adequately for trial and ensure that you are well represented.

Have A Lawyer With Cellino Law Handle Your Bus Accident Claim

If you, a loved one, or a friend has been a victim of a bus accident, contact our able bus accident lawyers at Cellino Law. You should not have to suffer through life for the negligence of another party. No matter how stressed and troubled you are, we are here for you and will offer personalized service based on your situation. Get this burden lifted off your shoulders as you focus on recuperating.

With our team of highly experienced and accountable lawyers, you will be in the right hands and get the right compensation. You are also assured of professionalism, courtesy, timeliness, a great working relationship, and service that you can trust. Reach out to our Melville personal injury firm at (888) 888-8888 today!



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