New Rochelle Car Accident Lawyer

When you are involved in a car crash you should be aware of the importance to work with a New Rochelle car accident lawyer. Our attorneys can help you get fair compensation for any damages that have happened to you and your vehicle. Cellino Law will be here to help you. We offer a free consultation so that we can assess your accident and our lawyers can begin your claim. The scope of the accident does not matter, we will provide you with competent legal advice and answer any questions that you may have.

We have a skilled team of professional personal injury lawyers in New Rochelle that can create a defense to help protect your rights, especially if you are a victim of a car accident. We will be with you every step of the way, making sure that getting compensation is going to be possible. We have a vast knowledge of how the law works in the state of New York and based upon our high success rate, you can look forward to potentially receiving compensation for the injuries you have sustained.

What Does It Take To Report A Car Accident In New York?

It is required by law that an accident report be filed by a person in New York that has been involved in a car accident, especially if that accident involved others that were fatally injured. The driver that is responsible for that accident should be the one that does that report. However, you should not rely on the fact that this report will ever be made.

If there is property damage involved, the driver that was at fault needs to file the damage report, whether or not the other driver was present. Accident damage reports should be made if damages exceed $1000, but are not necessary if it is less than that.

Once the accident has occurred, within 10 days, an appropriate report and statement must be made. There is the possibility that the injuries sustained by the driver who must make the report may prevent them from doing it, but there are no stipulations that will force them to do so until they are able to. Knowledgeable lawyers will always recommend that you file the report right away, but only after a person has sufficiently recovered to do so.

What Does It Cost To Hire A New Rochelle Car Accident Attorney

Cellino Law Firm understands how this process works in regard to getting compensation for your vehicle, or your medical expenses, and that’s why you may not be able to afford a personal injury representation. We provide this legal help at no upfront cost to anyone that comes to us. We don’t ask for fees or payments until you have received compensation for what has happened to you.

By working on a contingency basis, and covering our own costs, we can wait until compensation has been received by you. This contingency fee model gives you a great benefit which is we must win your case in order to be compensated. Our attorneys will always evaluate each case, making sure that there is a high probability of success when representing you.

Different Types Of Compensation That You Could Receive For Personal Injuries

any type of personal injury compensation typically revolves around some type of loss. Losses can be noneconomic or financial by design. You can also pursue punitive damages that can be made available to victims of these accidents, especially when the misconduct or negligence of the other party is to blame.

Schedule a free consultation with a New Rochelle car accident lawyer today.

Economic claims or financial claims that provide monetary reimbursement for losses and expenses can be accrued because of the auto accident in the following way:

  • Medical expenses that are currently happening as well as future medical costs that are all related to the accident
  • Loss of income
  • Damage to your vehicle or other property
  • Current and future loss of income because you are unable to earn a living wage

If this is about noneconomic losses, these are only awarded when there are severe injuries that fall under the State Insurance Law section 5102. Some of these injuries will include:

  • Some type of physical disfigurement
  • The loss of a limb
  • The loss of the baby in utero or while in the womb
  • Bone fractures
  • Severe limitations in regard to your functionality as related to your system or bodily organs

There are certain cases where punitive damages may play a large role in the personal injury lawsuit that you want to file. These can be both economic and non-economic in nature and are the results of the at-fault driver and their misconduct and negligence. When you get compensation, all of this is calculated, and this money is a multiplication of all of the other compensations that will be received.

The Statute Of Limitations For Car Accidents In The New York Area

The claims for compensation for damages must be filed by a certain date in order to be valid. Attorneys in New York will know that this is very important if you have recently had an accident in the New Rochelle area.

The claims for damages in New York against the defendant must be turned in within a week of when the car accident occurred. There is also a statute of limitations regarding meeting this deadline if you want to receive compensation.

The statute of limitations for car accidents must be filed within three years from that date. However, when dealing with a government agency, the plaintiff or victim will only have 90 days in order to file this claim.

Information That You Should Obtain After A Car Accident

Information that you should get after the accident will actually help you when it comes to filing your case:

  • The registration, license, year, model, and the make of the vehicle that was part of the accident
  • The precinct, badge numbers, and names of the police officers that were part of the response team
  • The specific location where the accident occurred
  • The driver’s license number, name, residential address, contact info, and the insurance information of every single person that was driving and involved in that accident.

Call Cellino Law To Schedule Your Free Consultation With A New Rochelle Car Accident Lawyer

It is so important to file your claim as early as possible. Our injury firm in New Rochelle is waiting to take your claim. We will determine what type of compensation you should get in regard to loss of income, damage to your vehicle, injuries you have sustained, and every other form of loss that you incurred as a result of this accident.