Accident Attorney For Distracted Driving Collision Near Strong, Rochester, NY

According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 14% of injuries in collisions were due to driver distractions in 2020. Crashes involving distracted drivers are rising throughout the nation, including near Strong, Rochester, NY, because this busy area is where people access many important city services. The consistent traffic entering and leaving Strong Memorial Hospital-University of Rochester Medical Center means that drivers who aren’t paying attention put other motorists at serious risk.

If you are driving in the Strong neighborhood and are hurt by the negligent actions of a distracted driver, you need to talk with a Rochester accident attorney. If you are seriously injured, an experienced accident attorney from Cellino Law comes to you to talk about your situation and what to do next.

What Qualifies as Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving occurs whenever a driver fails to pay attention when operating a vehicle. Not all distracted driving instances result in crashes, so drivers often become overconfident about their abilities to multitask behind the wheel. While distracted driving is not a new issue, the more recent trends in mobile phone use have caused distraction-affected driving incidents to skyrocket. These are common types of distracted driving:

  • Texting on a mobile phone
  • Drinking, eating or grooming
  • Looking at videos or apps on a mobile phone
  • Programming navigation systems or adjusting climate controls
  • Being lost in thought
  • Looking at things occurring outside a vehicle
  • Chatting with passengers
  • Watching over children or pets

Texting while driving is such a serious problem that all but two states have banned text messaging while operating a vehicle. Rochester, NY, drivers are not allowed to text and drive, and an attorney will hold a driver accountable when you are endangered due to irresponsible actions.

When Do You Need an Attorney for a Distracted Driving Accident?

Seeking the help of an attorney after an accident is one of the most important steps you can take after getting medical care. Far too often, a distracted driving accident results in devastating injuries because a negligent driver has little time to react. We understand how easy it is for all drivers to get distracted sometimes. However, when someone puts your life and future at risk, you need a legal professional in your corner to protect your rights and work to get the compensation you deserve. It is essential to hire an attorney when you are injured in a distracted driving collision near Strong, Rochester, NY. These are reasons to do so:

Provides an Objective Review

When you’ve been hurt in an accident, emotions run high. It isn’t easy to look at your situation neutrally. An attorney examines facts impartially to understand exactly how an accident occurred. By law, your case must meet specific objective criteria to reach the legal threshold for a personal injury case. It is essential to prove the actions of a driver near Strong were the direct cause of your injuries to seek compensatory damages. An attorney assesses the available evidence and tells you if your case has merit. A valid claim is substantive and proves you were deprived of a legal right.

Works With Insurance Companies

Most individuals do not want to deal with insurance companies after an accident. Unfortunately, insurer calls begin immediately in a relentless effort to get you to take a quick settlement. It is best not to talk with representatives and risk saying the wrong thing. Information you share, even under stress while healing from injuries, can be used to refute your claim.

Insurance companies do everything they can to avoid paying a distracted driving claim or significantly reducing the damages. When you hire a Rochester attorney, the calls to you stop because we handle all communications to protect you. We know how to negotiate with insurers to reach a settlement, but we take the case to court when they don’t deal fairly.

Handles Your Case Development

Developing a personal injury case is often a painstaking process and requires strict attention to detail. An attorney initially assesses your case, looking for all the large and small details that support your claim. It is essential to evaluate all the evidence related to an accident scene when distracted driving occurs, and, potentially, call in outside experts to reconstruct how an accident unfolded or provide a crucial perspective. We won’t hesitate to bring in the top minds from related fields to add factual value to your case.

Determines What Your Case Is Worth

Valuing your case is one of the most vital services a personal injury attorney provides clients after a distracted driving crash. While economic damages are mostly straightforward monetary losses, non-economic damages are far more complex calculations considering losses due to pain, suffering, and emotional trauma. There are a significant number of factors that go into determining a fair case value for non-monetary damages. Each personal injury case is different, and an experienced attorney knows how to calculate a correct case value to ensure a valid settlement value.

Keeps Your Case Moving Forward

An accident injury case can stall or get bogged down in legal motions without your attorney consistently pushing the case forward. Whether in pre-trial negotiations or a courtroom, you need a determined lawyer to keep your suit active. We don’t let our attention get diverted from your case because you matter to us.

Get the Right Attorney for Your Distracted Driving Case Near Strong, Rochester, NY

The statistics are sobering. The NHTSA reports that 350,000 people drive distracted during daylight hours every day in the U.S. All drivers in the Strong neighborhood have a duty to protect other drivers when they get behind the wheel by observing local traffic safety regulations and state laws that ban texting while driving.

At Cellino Law, we know the law and use it to the fullest extent to protect your interests after an accident. Finding the right attorney to get to the bottom of liability issues in accidents and hold people accountable is necessary. We start the process with a free case review, so you know where you stand. We don’t require upfront fees, and you don’t pay unless you win. With 24/7 availability, you can contact us at any time of day.



Free Case Review



  • Mark Kochanowicz is from far the best attorney you can have. Mark treats you like a friend more than a client. He truly cares and go the extra mile for you and your case, contacts you to update you in regards to your case and keep you informed at all times. Mark represented me twice and settled my cases for way more than I expected. I highly recommend Mark Kochanowicz because he is just the best on what he does!!! Thank you Mark!!!!


  • Tim Cellino handled my case beautifully. He is very knowledgeable and patient with all my questions. He kept in touch with me through out my ordeal. Tim also got a settlement for more than I expected. I highly recommend Tim Cellino!


  • I highly recommend Cellino Law to anyone involved in a car crash. I worked with Michael Lovecchio, and had a wonderful experience given the circumstances. He was very attentive, and got the best possible outcome I could have wanted.


  • This letter is to thank Ms. Diane D’Andrea, assistant to Mr. George Gridelli, Attny for all the hard work, dedication, and attentiveness she showed during the representation of my case. She was always cheerful and ready to help in whatever way she could. All messages left for Mr. Gridelli were always relayed and Mr. Gridelli always promptly returned our calls. She was a very competent assistant. Cellino Law has proven to be a model of what legal representation should be. Throughout the 6 ½ years of this case, I have heard many horror stories from people with “bad lawyer stories.” We consider ourselves to be very lucky to have chosen Cellino Law and will always recommend you to those looking for good, honest representation with a personal touch.


  • My wife and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for a fantastic job as our attorney. We could not have been more pleased with the work you and your team has done on this case. This past four years or so has been such a roller coaster for our family. We are very pleased and grateful with the result. We have made a good choice by choosing you. Thank you.


  • Joe and I just wanted to send you this note thanking you for the professional way you handled our lawsuit. Your kindness was extremely appreciated in a very difficult time. When we found out the people that caused the accident had no insurance, we thought our chances of receiving any settlement was nonexistent. Once we met with you and released you were able to help us our minds were put at ease. Your aggressive manner of handling the case exceeded our expectations. Please feel free to use us as a reference. Thank you so much and best wishes,

    Danielle and Joe