Syracuse Car Accident Lawyer

Have you or your loved one ever been involved in a car accident in New York? You will likely need a Syracuse car accident lawyer for legal representation. It’s the best way to guarantee that you receive fair compensation for your damages.

Chances are the insurance company might refuse to pay for the cost of repairs to your vehicle or medical expenses. Also, you need compensation for loss of income because of the accident or medical costs for any injuries sustained from the accident.

At Cellino Law, we have some of the most experienced attorneys in the state. We will give you a free initial consultation and evaluation of your case. Next, we will start the process to ensure you receive fair compensation. It doesn’t matter if you were involved in a major or minor car accident because we are ready to offer legal advice and answer any questions you might have about the case.

Our Syracuse personal injury lawyers have enough experience to come up with the right defense and ensure your rights are protected as a car accident victim. Once you choose us to represent you, we will have your back through the case and we will ensure you receive the maximum amount for compensation. With our vast knowledge of the law, success rate, and skill, we have become industry leaders in personal injury law in New York.

How Do You Report A Car Accident In New York?

In Syracuse, NY, you are required to report a car accident where you are the driver to the relevant authorities as soon as possible, especially if the accident caused a fatality or an injury. The driver responsible for the car accident should be the first to report it. However, as a witness or an injured victim, you can’t rely on these drivers to report the accident, so you can do it immediately.

If the car accident results in damage to property, the driver at fault should make an accident damage report, regardless of whether or not the other driver is present. Note that an accident damage report is made if the estimated damages exceed $1,000. After an accident happens, a driver has 10 days to make the appropriate report and a written statement.

If an injury happens and prevents the other driver from reporting the accident, there are no stipulations in place as when to report the accident. However, our attorneys recommend that a report should be made as soon as the injured party has recovered enough to make a report.

What Does It Cost To Hire A Syracuse Car Accident Lawyer?

At Cellino Law, we know that medical costs and other expenses after any personal injury case can be quite difficult. That’s why we provide our legal expertise without any upfront costs. As such, our legal services are available to everyone. We will not ask you to pay for legal fees until you have received compensation for the personal injuries incurred from the car accident.

The personal injury attorneys in our firm work on a contingency basis. It means that we will cover our costs until you receive your compensation. This payment model gives you the assurance that you will be compensated for your injuries. We evaluate all the personal injury cases coming through our doors carefully on their own merit and assess the outcome.

Types Of Compensation For Personal Injuries After A Car Accident

Compensation for a personal injury case is usually done because of a loss. The loss can either be non-economic or financial. Victims might also be given punitive damages in the event of negligence or misconduct from the driver at fault.

Economic or financial claims are monetary compensation for expenses or losses incurred because of the car accident and usually include the following.

  • Loss of income
  • Damage to the vehicle or other property
  • Medical expenses (current and estimated future costs) relating to the injuries sustained in the car accident
  • Current and future loss of income because of the inability to make a living wage due to the accident

A woman calling a Syracuse car accident lawyer after a head-on collision.

Non-economic losses are only compensated in the event of serious injuries according to section 5102 of state insurance law. They include the following.

  • Physical disfigurement
  • Losing a baby in utero (while in the womb)
  • Bone fractures
  • Loss of function of an organ or system in the body
  • Severe limitation to the function or use of a body system or organ
  • Loss of a limb

In some personal injury cases, it’s also possible to get punitive damage from the lawsuit. They are damages that don’t fall under economic or non-economic damages. They are awarded because of the misconduct or negligence of the driver at fault. The compensation is usually calculated as a multiplication of the other types of compensation received.

What Is The New York Statute Of Limitations For Car Accidents?

A compensation claim for a car accident should be filed within a specific period after the date of the accident. You need to consult with an attorney immediately after the accident.

In New York, an accident that caused damages to you should be reported within ten days. It is the statute of limitations applicable and it’s prudent to meet the deadline so that you can receive the compensation for the car accident.

The statute of limitations allows for claims from car accidents to be filed by the victim within 3 years after the day of the accident. If the claim is done against a government agency, the victim has a total of 90 days to file the claim.

What Information Should You Get After A Car Accident?

After an accident in Syracuse, you should collect certain information to help your case including:

  • Model, make, year, license and registration of every vehicle in the accident
  • The name, residential address, license number, contact information and insurance information of every other driver involved in the accident
  • Names, badge numbers and precinct of any police officers who respond to the scene of the accident
  • The exact location of the accident

Contact Cellino Law And Schedule A Free Consultation Today

It’s important to start working on your compensation claim immediately. You should contact our Syracuse injury firm if you have been involved in a car accident. We will work with you to get the compensation you deserve for the damage to your vehicle, your injuries, loss of income, and any other losses.